Your guide to getting the best night’s sleep

We all need sleep. Sleep keeps us healthy and allows our bodies to function properly. It repairs, restores and revitalises your whole body including your brain, muscles and other vital organs. 

It is believed that up to 1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep, and it could be even more that aren’t getting a good quality sleep. If you struggle to sleep for more than 7 hours a night on a regular basis, you could be suffering from chronic sleep deprivation which can have a negative effect on your ability to function both mentally and physically. 

If you find yourself struggling to get out of bed in the morning, relying on caffeine and yawning all day, we have put together a guide for you on how to get the best night’s sleep possible.

Creating the perfect sleeping environment

A key step in being able to get yourself a great night’s sleep is to create the ideal environment where you feel comfortable, relaxed and able to shut your mind off from everyday worries and anxieties. By using a combination or all of the below ideas, you should notice a difference in your ability to get to sleep quicker and not wake up frequently throughout the night.

  • Consider your bedroom colour scheme
  • Some colours work better than others in a bedroom due to their ability to create a calm environment. The best colours to use in a bedroom are muted earth tones, soft blues and buttery yellows. 

  • Invest in high-quality bedding
  • You should spend as much as you can afford to on your mattress and bedding. Consider how many hours you spend in bed - it is worth spending more to be as comfortable as possible. You should be replacing your mattress every 8 years, and your pillows and duvets every year as they don’t provide as much support as they age. 

  • Keep your bedroom clean and clutter-free
  • Set aside time each week to thoroughly clean your bedroom. Tidy up, dust all surfaces, hoover and change your bed sheets to eliminate mess and clutter which will lead to a much more relaxing room. 

  • Restrict bed activities
  • Try to eliminate any activities that aren’t sleep or intimacy from the bedroom. Reading, watching TV, playing video games or working from your bed makes you associate your bed with more than sleep, meaning it will be much harder for your brain to relax when you are wanting to fall asleep. 

  • Create a cool, dark and quiet environment
  • Your bedroom temperature should be comfortable for you, but cooler is better than warmer. In the summer, open your window slightly to create a gentle breeze. Keep as much light out of the room as possible including any small light sources from electronic devices - you will be surprised how much light these stand-by lights emit into the room. Don’t forget to put your phone on silent too!

    Preparing for a good night’s sleep

    Preparing for sleep doesn’t just start when you decide to turn the lights out. There are several lifestyle choices you should be considering throughout the day which will enable you to get a much better sleep.

    • Control your exposure to light (especially blue light from electronic devices) for 2 hours before bedtime.
    • Try to stick to your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle and keep to a consistent pattern.
    • Exercise regularly, but during the daytime to limit the amount of endorphins that will be running through your body before bed. 
    • Stick to a healthy and balanced diet.
    • Avoid drinking caffeine after midday.
    • Use proven relaxation techniques such as taking a warm bath, using aromatherapy or taking part in meditation sessions.

    Still struggling to fall to sleep?

    Changing your sleeping routine can take time, sometimes up to several weeks. The most important thing to remember is not to worry about the amount of sleep you may or may not be getting. Everybody is different. Make small changes to your routine, be consistent and be patient and you will start to see the results. 

    If you would like bespoke advice on how you can be improving the quantity and quality of your sleep, please book a consultation with Louise Idoux by calling us on 01691 656934.