About Us
Louise Idoux - Medical Herbalist

Louise is the owner of the Oswestry Herbarium. She has a Masters degree in herbal medicine and is a member of the Institute of Medical Herbalists.
She offers private consultations including a review of past medical history and discussion on diet and lifestyle. Using this she draws up a tailored herbal and dietary protocol for each client. Herbs are blended to suit each individual’s requirements.
Herbal medicines can be used to alleviate most conditions including arthritis, skin problems and anxiety. Louise specialises in all conditions related to the digestive system such as irritable bowel syndrome as well as the menopause, stress and sleep.
I have always wanted to be a herbalist, right from when I was a little girl. I thought it was amazing that plants could be made into medicines. I knew it was what I wanted to do.
Louise completed a four year full time practitioner course at the School of Herbal Medicine in 1989 qualifying in 1993. She set up her own practice in 1994 and took over Oswestry Herbarium in 2004. She has been a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists since 1993 and completed a Masters degree in her subject in 2000.
I love the practitioner side of things - to be able to really help people individually. But I also very much enjoy helping people over the counter in the Oswestry Herbarium and meeting people that way.
Louise can be contacted through the shop for individual consultations on 01691 656934 or email at oswestryherbarium@gmail.com
When Louise is not busy with private consultations or in the herbarium, she is a keen gardener, runner and reader. She has two children and two step children and a brand new step grandchild. Her career has centred on herbal medicine but she did work in hotels as a student.
“The hotel work helped enormously with experience in business and hospitality but my dream was always to be a herbalist.”